
The Monday Hangover: Other drink adventures of note from the weekend. Yes, it took me until Thursday to finish this post. We start, as always, with Friday evening. Instead of our usual cocktail adventures, the Lady Friend and I headed out to the Union Brewhouse to meet up with former […]

The Monday Hangover: Feb 11-12

The Monday Hangover: Other drink adventures of note from the weekend. It was a long week. At times it seemed to fly by, but that was countered by the times that dragged on for an eternity. Finally Friday came, and something strong and warming was called for. That wound up […]

The Monday Hangover: Dec 3-4

There’s a brewery in my hometown. If you live in Portland, Boston, Burlington, or even Syracuse, that may not be such a big deal. However, I’m from a small town in the seacoast area of New Hampshire called North Hampton. If you’ve ever heard of Hampton Beach, it’s just north […]

The Homecoming: Throwback Brewery

Oh there was way too much wine fun to put into one post. I’m also trying to mention wine as little as possible, which has been working out quite well so far. Onward to the rest of the day! This is what the Lakes Region looks like. Yeah, it’s mostly […]

‘CuseQuest Part 5: MORE Wine