
Modern Drunkard Magazine’s articleThe 86 Rules of Boozing, by Frank Kelly Rich states: Rule 37. Try one new drink each week. The Rule 37 series of posts chronicle my attempts to accomplish this feat every week. For the recipes of R37s past, click the Htf do I make these drinks? […]

Rule 37: Hazzard County Line

I certainly hope you’ve heard of Blatant Beer by now. If not, prepare for a trip to the liquor store. BLATANT! Brewery is the ale-producing offspring of brewer/owner Matthew Steinberg, Massachusetts brewing legend. He’s been involved with breweries such as Offshore Ale, Harpoon, Rapscallion, and helped Drew Brousseau with his […]

Review: Why BLATANT beer is awesome and you should buy ...

One of the benefits of being a drink blogger, is that you occasionally get some free samples sent your way. In fact, that was the whole reason I started this blog; I saw other bloggers getting stuff to review, and I got jealous. Then I decided since I was doing […]

Review: GTD Wire Works American Gin

Ok. It’s summer. In fact it’s stupidly hot. And I don’t function well in environments above 75 degrees. So I’m a tad cranky most of the time when it’s like this. BUT there are CHERRIES in the stores again! That means I get to try something I’ve always wanted: homemade […]

HTF Do I Make This? – Maraschino Cocktail Cherries