
Unrest in Portland, ME, turns to protests. A mob forms in front of city hall. The mayor calls for the police, and they fire into the crowd. One man is dead, and seven others are wounded. Neither the mayor, nor the police are ever convicted. This happened because of rum. […]

Rum Riot!

A couple months ago, I was in a meeting at work to view some upcoming TV pilots. One of the network sales women said something (I’m still not sure what it was) and caused our media manager to immediately turn to her and demand “Are you a TURTLE??” “Uh… no…?” […]

Are YOU a Turtle?

If you live in Massachusetts, you may or may not have seen recently that happy hour may be returning to the state. If you don’t live in Massachusetts, you may or may not be shocked to find out that happy hour was banned here. I’ll explain. Back in the early […]

The Battle for Happy Hour